About Us
Agrinautics was started in Sunnyvale, California by George Sanders in 1958, following the start of his career in engineering in agricultural aviation research for the U. S. Department of Agriculture in 1951.Then known as the Agricultural Aviation Engineering Company (AGAVENCO), the firm grew with the merger of Pickell & Associates into Agrinautics and their other acquired company products.
Starting primarily with helicopter spray systems design for Hiller Helicopters in 1958, Agrinautics expanded into the manufacture of these systems and then for Bell and Hughes Helicopters soon after. Agrinautics then concentrated on the design and manufacture of high quality products for fixed wing agricultural air- craft, which were being developed to take the place of World War Il surplus trainers adapted for aerial applications. Today, Agrinautics is well known world-wide for its engineering expertise in the design, development, and manufacture of 800 hour warranty pumps, valves, strainers, accessories, and complete systems. This company was the primary source of helicopter and fixed wing spray systems for the Department of Defense during the Viet Nam war where the applications extended from disease vector control to defoliation by the Army and Navy. More recently, Agrinautics manufactured products for drug eradication relocated and oil spill applications. Agrinautics' Cedar City manufacturing operations is in a newly acquired 20,000 sq. ft. building located adjacent to the municipal airport and having taxiway access. The company retains its quick response to shipment needs by UPS, Federal Express, and an airline feeding into Los Angeles and Salt Lake City for distribution to any part of the United States, and for that matter, into export destinations. In 1998 George was recognized by the American Society of Agricultural Engineering for creating one of the Top 50 product innovations for agriculture for the year. Starting out to meet the need for evacuating all liquid chemical residue from an aircraft spray system, its use has been extended to ground loading with chemical injection applications. In essence, this valve replaces two ordinary valves and a venturi injector. |